Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries

Anatole Lécuyer:

  • Master MNRV: "Haptic Interaction", 9h, M2, ENSAM, Laval, FR

  • Ecole Centrale de Nantes : “Haptic Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces”, 4.5h, M1-M2, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Master SIBM: "Haptic and Brain-Computer Interfaces", 4.5h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master CN: "Haptic Interaction and Brain-Computer Interfaces", 9h, M1 and M2, University of Rennes 2, FR

  • Master VRI: "Pseudo-Haptics and Brain-Computer Interfaces", 6h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Bruno Arnaldi:

  • Master INSA Rennes: "VRI: Virtual Reality and Multi-Sensory Interaction Course", 4h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "CG: Computer Graphics", 10h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Virtual Reality", courses 6h, projects 16h, M1 and M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

Ferran Argelaguet:

  • Master STS Informatique MITIC: "Techniques d'Interaction Avancées", 26h, M2, ISTIC, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Modeling and Engineering for Biology and Health Applications", 12h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

Maud Marchal:

  • Master of Research in Computer Science: "Haptic rendering and physically-based simulation", 4h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Computer Graphics", 26h, M1 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Modeling and Engineering for Biology and Health Applications", 48h, M2 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master SIBM: "Biomedical simulation", 3h, M2, University of Rennes 1, FR

Valérie Gouranton:

  • Licence: "Introduction to Virtual Reality", 22h, L2 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Licence: Project on "Virtual Reality", 16h, L3 and responsible of this lecture, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: "Virtual Reality", 16h, M2, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master INSA Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 20h, M1, INSA Rennes, FR

  • Master CN: "Virtual Reality", 6h, M1, University of Rennes 2, FR

Ronan Gaugne:

  • INSA Rennes: Projects on "Virtual Reality", 47h, L3/M1/M2, Insa Rennes, FR

  • Master CN: "Virtual Reality", 3h, M1, University of Rennes 2, FR

Jean-Marie Normand:

  • Virtual Reality Minor, "Computer Graphics", 24h, M1/M2, Ecole centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Minor, "Fundamentals of Virtual Reality", 14h, M1/M2, Ecole centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Minor, "Computer Vision anf Augmented Reality", 24h, M1/M2, Ecole centrale de Nantes, FR

  • Virtual Reality Minor, "Projects on Virtual Reality", 20h, M1/M2, Ecole centrale de Nantes, FR


PhD (defended)
  • Jean-Baptiste Barreau, "Techniques of production, exploration and analysis of virtual archaeological environments", INSA Rennes, July 10th 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Lorraine Perronnet, "Combining electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging for neurofeedback", University of Rennes 1, January 8th, 2017, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Fabien Lotte (Potioc, Inria), Maureen Clerc (Athena, Inria) and Christian Barillot (Visages, Inria)

  • Benoit Le Gouis, "Contribution to the study of haptic rendering and perception of virtual deformable objects", INSA Rennes, November 21th 2017, Supervised by Bruno Arnaldi, Maud Marchal and Anatole Lécuyer

PhD (in progress)
  • Gwendal Le Moulec, "Automatic generation of VR applications", Started in October 2015, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Bruno Arnaldi and Arnaud Blouin (Diverse, Inria)

  • Anne-Solène Dris-Kerdreux, "Training in virtual reality for construction applications", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Antoine Costes, "Haptic texturing", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Philippe Guillotel (Technicolor), Fabien Danieau (Technicolor) and Ferran Argelaguet

  • Guillaume Cortes, "Improving tracking in VR", Started in November 2015, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer and Eric Marchand (Lagadic, Inria)

  • Hakim Si-Mohammed, "BCI and HCI", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer, Géry Casiez (Mjolnir, Inria), Nicolas Roussel (Mjolnir, Inria) and Ferran Argelaguet

  • Gautier Picard, "Collaborative VR", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Bernard Gibaud (Inserm) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Hadrien Gurnel, "Prise en compte de la déformation d’organe pour l’assistance robotisée d’insertion d’aiguille", Started in October 2016, Supervised by Alexandre Krupa (Lagadic, Inria) and Maud Marchal

  • Rebecca Fribourg, "Perception and interaction with and via avatars", Started in September 2017, Supervised by Ferran Argelaguet, Ludovic Hoyet (Mimetic, Inria) and Anatole Lécuyer

  • Guillaume Bataille, "Natural interactions with IoT using VR/AR", Started in October 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Danielle Pelé (Orange Labs) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Xavier de Tinguy, "Haptic manipulation in virtual environments", Started in September 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal, Claudio Pacchierotti (Lagadic, Inria) and Anatole Lécuyer

  • Flavien Lecuyer, "Interactive digital introspection methods for archeology", Started in September 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Grégor Marchand (CNRS) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Etienne Peillard, "Improving Perception and Interaction in Augmented Reality", Started in October 2017, Supervised by Guillaume Moreau, Ferran Argelaguet, Anatole Lécuyer and Jean-Marie Normand

  • Antonin Bernardin, "Interactive physically-based simulation of dexterous manipulation for robot understanding", Started in September 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal and Christian Duriez (Defrost, Inria)

  • Romain Lagneau, "Data-driven models for dexterous manipulation of robots", Started in Septembre 2017, Supervised by Maud Marchal and Alexandre Krupa (Lagadic, Inria)

  • Romain Terrier, "Presence of self and others in a collaborative virtual environment", Started in October 2017, Supervised by Valérie Gouranton, Thomas Boggini (b<>com) and Bruno Arnaldi

  • Mathis Fleury, "Neurofeedback based on fMRI and EEG", Started in November 2017, Supervised by Anatole Lécuyer and Christian Barillot (Visages, Inria)


Selection committees
  • Anatole Lécuyer was Member of selection committee of Assistant Professor Position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.

  • Valérie Gouranton was Member of selection committee of Assistant Professor Position at INSA Rennes, of Inria Junior Research Scientist (CR2 Inria) at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique

  • Maud Marchal was Member of selection committee of Assistant Professor Position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.

  • Guillaume Moreau was Member of selection committee at Ecole Centrale de Nantes: Assistant Professor (2x), Full Professor (2x).

PhD and HDR juries
  • Anatole Lécuyer was Referee of PhD theses of Paul Issartel (Univ Paris Saclay), Cephise Louison (Univ Mediterrannée) and Joan Sol Roo (Univ Bordeaux).

  • Bruno Arnaldi was Referee of PhD thesis of Damien Clergeaud (Univ Bordeaux).

  • Maud Marchal was Referee of PhD thesis of Fanny Morin (Univ Grenoble Alpes).

  • Guillaume Moreau was Referee of PhD thesis of Judicaël Menant (INSA Rennes), and Member of PhD committee of Abdelkader Bellarbi (Univ Paris-Saclay).

  • Jean-Marie Normand was Member of the committee of Barteld Postma (Univ. Paris Saclay).